There are many people that lend a helping hand to make our neighborhood great! January 2025 Thank you to Alex Palluzzi for all his support of Short Beach especially at Pardee Park over the years - Congratulations on your retirement! Thank you to Manuel Rodriguez and Jack Etheridge for putting up and maintaining a new flag at Pardee Park.
September 2024 Thank you to Ben Danker and Katie Houser for filling in the hole at the end of Pentecost and decorating to make it look nice Thank you to Marty Halier for taking out the bouys at Johnson's Beach
August 2024 Thank you to all the dog walkers who are using the new containers and preferably taking the poop home.
July 2024 Thank you to Bobby Boshea and John Smith who removed the remnants of small walls at end of Bristol that were causing a hazard Thank you to Jeff Delancy for weed whacking the Beckett right of way Thank you to The Short Beach music committee and all the musicians - a good time was had by all!
June 2024 Ralph Murray for assisting attaching the dog waste receptacles and for restocking the poop bag dispenser. Darce DeCosta for years of service on the Board. Anne Davis for her services to the sanitation committee and the dog waste project.May 2024
May 2024 Thank you to the Short Beach Weed Wackers - Stu, Liz, Gabby, Jeff, Peg, Clorice, and Shirley for weeding the garden at Pagano Park and the Bluff by Johnson's Beach.
April 2024 Thank you to Carleen Davis for her 7 years of service to the ZBA. Thank you to Brian Funaro and Luke Carpenter for continuing the water testing for the Unified Water Testing program run by the Friends of Farm River and Save The Sound.
September 2023 All the Short Beach Days Volunteers for a organizing a marvelous Short Beach Days Dave Steinman for his contribution as acting secretary for the ZBA Fred Botalon for weeding the sidewalk at Johnson's Beach Liam Watson for raking the beaches this summer John and Connie Smith for donating the plaque for the bench for Justine Gillen
June 2023 Priscilla and Stephen Maleny for power washing the pickle ball court and cement area in Pardee Park. Check out their business RR Hydro at or Call at 203 215 4544
February 2023 Thank you to Jeff Delancy for the swing repair
November 2022 Thank you to HH&Ladder Co. 4 for hosting the littles Halloween Parade and Magic Show 10/30.
September Congratulations to the Short Beach Days Committee on another rockin' Short Beach Days! Thank you all for the hard work. Thank you to Liam Watson and Evan Bouley for beach raking this summer.
August Thank you to Stephen Malarney for power washing the cement at the pavilion at Pardee Park.
May Thank you to the Community Forest Commission with the help of Shirley McCarthy for her environmental efforts and acquisition of the trees for the neighborhood.
Thank you to the Altmannsbergers for tolerating the traffic sign in their front yard.
February We mark the passing of Justine Gillen and recognize her many contributions to CASB. Short Beach will miss her.
January Thank you to Robin Comey for all her hard work to procure grant money for traffic calming measures for the Short Beach Historic District.
Thank you to the entire Short Beach Community for their continued effort to mitigate the spread of Covid. We're in this together!
Thanks to Dave Perkins and Greg Carpenter for taking the Christmas tree boat out and Peg Carpenter for keeping on eye on the boat all December.
December Thank you to Luke Carpenter for his Christmas Tree in a boat.
November 2021 Thank you to Marty Hallier for taking the bouys out.
Thank you to the Short Beach Volunteer Hook and Ladder for another great Kid's Halloween Parade!
Trudy Angelino for her continued work and organization of Pickle Ball
Janet Murphy for organizing the Bocce League
Bobby Boshea for bringing the barrels up from the beach to be emptied weekly
September 2021 Many thanks to the committee and all the volunteers for a great Short Beach Days.
Thank you to Bobby Boshea for moving the trash cans so the collectors could empty them.
Thank you to Greg Carpenter for protecting Johnson's Beach by digging out the water overflow area when the remnants of Hurricane Ida came through our community.
Thank you to Evan Bouley for raking the beach this summer. Thank you to Paul Tipton for his work on the path down to the Farm River.
July 2021 Thank you to Marty Hallier for putting the bouys out at Johnson's Beach. Thank you to Trudi Angiello for her Pickle Ball instruction down at Pardee Park. June 2021 Thank you to Maggie Wheeler, Melissa Funaro, and Shirley McCarthy for all their work planting the native pollinator garden at Pagano Park.
MAY 2021 Thank you to Doug Hanlon, Brian Funaro, and Colin Watson for setting up the new garbage receptacles!
April 2021 Thank you to Marty Hallier for his help transporting the new trash receptacles! Thank you to Linda Erlanger for her help with the Valley St. path to the river!
November and December 2020 - Thank You to Sherri Robtoy for taking on the job of making sure there are baggies in the Dog baggy Poop stations at the beach and park!
Thank you to all our short beach neighbors for supporting each other and working to limit the spread of Covid!
July and August 2020 - Great Job Short Beach Days Committee for continuing the tradition despite the obstacles of these Covid times. Thank you to Evan Bouley for beach raking this summer. Great job Evan!
We would like to Specifically thank the following volunteers for their help in cleaning up at pardee park after the storm:
Ralph Murray, Brian Funaro, Dave Brooks, Sean Look, and Doug Hanlon